
'Bitcoin is for Everyone' aims to illuminate the world of Bitcoin, making it accessible and understandable to all. Our mission centers on educating and engaging a diverse audience about the significance and potential of Bitcoin, with a focus on its transformative power in the financial realm and beyond. We believe in the universal relevance of Bitcoin and are dedicated to creating platforms where its principles, applications, and innovations can be explored and appreciated by everyone.

Central to our efforts is the 'Bitcoin is for Everyone' conference, an annual event designed to be a beacon of learning, discussion, and community involvement. This conference, along with other educational initiatives, serves as a cornerstone for fostering a well-informed and enthusiastic community where Bitcoin transcends being a mere digital asset to become a vital part of everyday life.

We are committed to building and nurturing a global community that is informed, curious, and active in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Through partnerships, volunteer-driven efforts, and a relentless pursuit of quality and inclusivity in our programming, we strive to empower individuals and groups to explore and embrace the possibilities of Bitcoin, thereby driving innovation, financial literacy, and participation across diverse communities.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to broadly educating the public about Bitcoin. Our mission is rooted in providing comprehensive information and insights about Bitcoin and related technologies. Please be aware that our organization is not a school, university, or any form of accredited educational institution. Furthermore, nothing presented on this website, spoken at our conferences, or communicated through our various channels should be construed as financial advice. Our sole aim is educational, striving to enhance public understanding and awareness of Bitcoin in its multifaceted aspects.

About Us

Eric Blackstone

Eddy Chaltiel

Bitcoin is for Everyone: Empowering and Educating Portland's Local Community

At Bitcoin is for Everyone, we firmly believe that bitcoin is not exclusive to the tech-savvy or the financially privileged; it is for every single person who wants to take control of their finances and shape the future of digital commerce. With this vision in mind, we created the conference "Bitcoin is for Everyone" to empower and educate the local community of Portland, Oregon, and make them an integral part of the increasingly prevalent world of bitcoin.

Why Portland? The answer is simple: Portland is important to us because we live here. At the same time, the city also embodies the spirit of innovation, independence, and community that aligns perfectly with the principles of the bitcoin movement. The city's vibrant tech scene, endless possibilities for collaboration and growth, and the openness of its residents make it the ideal location to host our conference. By organizing the conference locally, we are able to foster a sense of unity, empower individuals, and provide invaluable opportunities for education and growth. Our aim is to make sure that nobody feels left out or intimidated by the ever-evolving world of bitcoin.

But it's not just about bitcoin. Bitcoin is for Everyone represents a broader philosophy: that financial inclusion, privacy, and digital independence should be accessible to all. We want to break down the barriers of entry, demystify the complex jargon, and equip every attendee with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate this exciting world.

Furthermore, as organizers, we absolutely adore the Pacific Northwest. The stunning landscapes, lush green forests, and the welcoming nature of the people make it an ideal place to live, work, and share our passion for bitcoin. We firmly believe that by embracing and nurturing the local community in this region, we can contribute to its growth, progress, and prosperity on both individual and collective levels.

At the Bitcoin is for Everyone conference, attendees can expect an array of fascinating sessions, hands-on workshops, and inspiring panels led by industry experts and thought leaders. From beginners seeking an introduction to bitcoin to seasoned enthusiasts hungry for the latest developments, there will be something for everyone. Our goal is to create an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages networking, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas.

So mark your calendars and join us as we embark on this journey together, empowering and educating the local community of Portland. Together, we will pave the way for a future where bitcoin is truly accessible, inclusive, and beneficial to everyone. See you at the conference!